Richter is a member of the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) and all Richter equipment sold in the United States complies with the ASTM F1487 Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use and the CPSC’s Publication #325 Public Playground Safety Handbook guidelines, where applicable.
We understand safety on the playground to be like the brakes on a car. Just as brakes are essential but not the primary function of a car, so safety is not the reason children visit a playground, though safety is a necessary aspect of the play environment. Safety on a playground depends on many factors, including technical design, but also maintenance and, perhaps most important, visitor behavior. This behavior is triggered by the atmosphere of the play space as a whole and its emotional effect on the playground visitors. We therefore believe safety primarily is the result of a playground’s complete design.
“As much play value as possible, as much safety as necessary.”
In consideration of play equipment’s technical design, APE Studio and Richter are actively involved in the development of safety standards in North America and Europe. Our team members participate in ASTM and EN committee work and are dedicated to furthering the industry’s understanding of the crucial balance between play value and safety.